Varied, thats a word I'd use to describe this job. I often find it difficult to believe the things I get involved with but it is what makes this job great.
I used to play stick cricket a lot when growing up, even though I grew up in Kippax there were not many bats about (Kippax for those in the dark are a famous bat manufacturer) so it was great to hear that others remember and still play the game. The Honours Board discovered behind the the road signs yesterday are revealing the Gentlemen of the parish who used to sit on the council up to 1936 and will hopefully soon be seen in the new entrance to the Town Hall, I hope the Mayor when he gets round to posting will tell you more.
And finally.....reports suggest naked women, up to 6, can be seen on the tops round here, a lost delivery driver came across them last week and apparently frightened the living daylights out of them, but what about him?