Saturday, October 22, 2011

Picture House Newsletter

Picture House News Update October 2011
It’s been a while….

And we can only apologise but we have been very busy behind the scenes collecting and analysing information and making decisions to secure the future of the Picture House. There is much to tell.

Following the agreement in principal to transfer the Picture House by Calderdale MBC the partners (Hebden Royd Town Council, Hebden Bridge Community Association, the Hill Top Parish Councils and the organisations that use the Picture House) continued to discuss the best way to manage and develop the Picture House. Following the local elections in May and with the endorsement of the Partners Hebden Royd Town Council is now applying to solely take on responsibility for the Picture House.

The mandate from the public meeting for an elected body to take on the Picture House formed part of the reason but in addition the Quality Parish Status of the Council, its ability to fund raise and deliver projects (New Skate Park and various play areas are only a few examples), its relationship with the community, the way it supports its community and its reputation all added to its appeal.

Good Governance....
Hebden Royd Town Council wants to ensure that all those interested in the Picture House have a say in how it is run not just those who live in Hebden Royd. The management committee at present includes six town councillors, a representative from the Hill Top Parishes, two staff reps, an industry expert and we hope to soon welcome two elected members of the Friends of the Picture House. You’ll soon be invited to a meeting to adopt a constitution for the Friends and plan an election to get those reps onto the committee.

The building….
A concern of many and was highlighted in the last newsletter. Since then mechanical, electrical and structural surveys have taken place and advice has been taken. We have been pleased to find that while there are small issues it is generally in a very good state of repair. The large figures mentioned in the building compliance report produced by Calderdale, and mentioned at the public meeting look to bring the building up to a ‘new build’ standard, something very costly to achieve. A generous allocation, in excess of previous years has been made in the Repairs, Alteration & Maintenance section of the proposed budget.
We are also please to have found out that the Picture House is in the top five for energy efficiency in all of Calderdale MBC’s public buildings with a rating of 32.

The staff….
Meetings have been held and the last few months have been spent getting to know them and listening to them. TUPE regulations will be adhered to where the transfer takes place and as in the original principal their employment will be a major concern of ours.

The reason we are here. Research continues with site surveys imminent, costs vary between £40k and £75K depending on the ‘add ons’. 3D and the ability to stream live events to the Picture House are also affecting these costings. We haven’t forgotten 35mm however and we plan to retain this facility beyond digitalisation. The industry estimates that out of the 3600 screens in the UK only 100 will retain this facility when digitalisation will be fully rolled out.

Money Matters….
The Town Council has committed to fund the digitalisation of the Picture House and detailed budget discussions start soon. We aspire to install the digital system as soon as possible following transfer as more cinemas convert to digital less 35mm film prints are being produce by the distributors. Funding opportunities are at present infrequent but we continue to search for opportunities.

Tell us more…
We’re sure many will have seen and completed the Community Consultation we have been circulating in Hebden Royd, the Upper Valley, across Calderdale and further afield. If you have yet to see it take a look online at:

Don’t forget the deadline of the 30th October.

Drop in….
We hope that this has gone some way towards answering many of the questions you no doubt have but if you’d like to ask more drop in at any time between 6pm and 8pm to the Town Hall Council Chamber on Wednesday 26th October we’ll be there to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for taking an interest in the Picture House, we are sure our aspiration to make the Hebden Bridge Picture House the best single screen cinema in the country is one you will support us in.